Tag Archives: Solar power

EU has the largest Solar Industry growth Globally

Despite the decrease of subsidies across Europe, the use of solar power continues to increase. According to a report by the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission, two thirds of the world’s increase in solar power capacity came from within the EU last year. Last year 46.1GW of new energy capacity was installed in Europe, with 56 % of that using photovoltaic technology. Currently EU meets 2% of all of its electricity demand using solar power! This continued growth in solar power comes at a time when many countries are considering removing their subsidies for solar technology. Spain has …

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The biggest challenge of the PV industry in India


PV Insider spoke to a few leading developers in the Indian PV industry about the biggest challenge at the moment: Project Financing; as they are at the front line of growing PV MW capacity locally and internationally. PV Insider has compiled their interviews in an exclusive Q&A session that will allow you to take advantage of their experiences to make your business thrive and acquire the financial backing for your PV project. Q1: A strong experience and track record is essential for a developer to obtain the financial backing for their PV project in India. How can new players overcome this …

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India : a hot spot for Renewable Energy

India is fast emerging as a frontrunner in terms of harnessing renewable energy resources. It has been ranked No.1, on par with the US, in annual solar power generation, while it claims the fifth spot in wind power generation. India also makes it to a credible fourth position for scope, space and facilities allotted for renewable energy expansion. In its survey (ended May 2009), Mc Kinsey & Company has stated that India has an annual solar energy yield of between 1,700-1,900 kWh/KWp of installed capacity, one of the world’s highest solar intensities. As per the BP statistical review of world …

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Good Light! An Interview with CNN Hero for 2010, Mr Evans Wadongo

Elsewhere, in the Dark Continent, Kenya is seeing the light of the day! Literally! Thanks to the efforts of Evans Wadongo! The young Kenyan’s invention, the MwangaBora- a Solar Powered LED lantern, has brightened the lives of many already. Deepak Shir in conversation with the man, a CNN Hero 2010 Nominee. The MwangaBora (Swahili for “good light”), is essentially a Solar Power LED Lantern- a low-cost, high efficiency replacement to kerosene powered lanterns. So, is the MwangaBora a “Green Idea”? “Definitely”, says Wadongo. “A litre of kerosene burnt produces about 2.6 kg of soot, which is basically raw carbon emitted …

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