Tag Archives: water

An insight into business benefits from green growth and innovation!

CII CESD to organise Sustainability Solutions Summit & Exhibition in New Delhi on 25th-26th November, 2011 CII ITC Centre of Excellence for Sustainable Development is organising the sixth addition of one-of- its –kind conference with an interesting mix of stake-holders to discuss how sustainability by itself would involve in the future and affect them. The two day event called Sustainability Solutions: Summit & Exhibition at The Lalit Hotel, New Delhi on 25th -26th November, 2011 will explore challenges, opportunities, and strategies for bringing sustainability solutions to Indian Businesses.  Chief Guests for the Summit includes prominent leaders, Mr. Jayanthi Natrajan; Minister …

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Lively Soil and Happy Plants!


Many a times you’ll notice that, especially, as a beginner that your plants have shrivelled and died or have become someone else’s food (pests). At such times you need to realize that such things are natural and not to be hard on yourself. It’s ok. Learn and re-plant. Gardening is fun, healthy and one of the most popular hobbies. Through this column we plan to make you a well informed gardener so that correct methods, precautions and care can be practiced. For every plant, the most vital ingredient apart from Sunlight, Air and Water is Soil or Dust. This contains …

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