People & Initiatives

Greenomics: Economic Development v/s Environment

Starting today, Ek Titli presents to you a 7 part series on Greenomics, by guest writer and young economist, Mr Abhishek Ranjan. A green economy is understood as a system that is attuned with the environment and thus, is environmentally friendly. Today, the concept of green economy has evolved to also accommodate social issues. By using clean technology and clean energy, the green economy is expected to provide safer and healthier environments, create alternative green jobs and maintain the development of societies. This concept is often associated with ideas such as “low-carbon growth” or “green growth”. With this perspective the …

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Feathers! The history behind the plume

When we think of feathers, we immediately associate them with birds. Birds are the only living creatures today that grow feathers. Most birds have different kinds of feathers which are employed for purposes from as varied as flying to attracting a mate. A single bird may have from 1,000 to over 20,000 feathers and every feather is a marvel of design. Each feather is composed of a central shaft called the rachis which is flexible and remarkably strong. The rachis further branches out hundreds of barbs forming the smooth vane of the feather. These barbs contain hundreds of smaller barbules, which hook …

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Ek Titli interviews Vice Chairman and Managing Director of IndiaCo Ventures Limited, Rahul Patwardhan on IndiaCo Energy Efficiency Fund

Indiaco Ventures Limited is India’s only BSE listed private equity player and interestingly has a fund dedicated only to Energy Efficiency. What does this entail, Ek Titli finds out. When and why did you feel the need to have a dedicated fund for Energy Efficiency? Rahul Patwardhan – VC & MD of IndiaCo Ventures Limited We feel that energy efficiency, a critical factor for India’s economic growth and sustenance, requires innovative ideas converging into practice. India’s energy demand has grown rapidly in past decades and is poised to double by 2030. India currently ranks as the world’s eleventh greatest energy producer …

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Act before it’s too late – an interview with Founder of Earth Soul India, Mr. Perses Bilimoria

He calls himself a philanthropist who was always inclined towards bringing about social reforms in the country – it is this vision that has led to the foundation of two very innovative environment friendly groups – The Society of Biochar Initiatives and Earth Soul India. Ek Titli catches up with the man behind these – Mr. Perses Bilimoria. “I realized that 99.9% of living organisms are already headed towards extinction and there is a constant battle for the survival of civilizations. Hence it is very important for nature and man to be in harmony,” expresses Mr. Bilimoria. The growing human …

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With feet on the ground, they fly high! Meet the Karves

“Can the flap of a butterfly’s wings in Brazil set off a tornado in Texas?” This question posed by Edward Lorenz, the man behind the Chaos Theory, later came to be more popularly known as the Butterfly Effect. To put it simply, the future is determined by present conditions. A small flap of a butterfly’s wing in one part of the world today could lead to a tornado in another time and space. Similarly, your little “flap” for the environment today may not cause an immediate effect; but its effect could have a resounding and reverberating effect for the future. …

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Good Light! An Interview with CNN Hero for 2010, Mr Evans Wadongo

Elsewhere, in the Dark Continent, Kenya is seeing the light of the day! Literally! Thanks to the efforts of Evans Wadongo! The young Kenyan’s invention, the MwangaBora- a Solar Powered LED lantern, has brightened the lives of many already. Deepak Shir in conversation with the man, a CNN Hero 2010 Nominee. The MwangaBora (Swahili for “good light”), is essentially a Solar Power LED Lantern- a low-cost, high efficiency replacement to kerosene powered lanterns. So, is the MwangaBora a “Green Idea”? “Definitely”, says Wadongo. “A litre of kerosene burnt produces about 2.6 kg of soot, which is basically raw carbon emitted …

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The Gift of Light – An Interview with Dr. Dave Irvine-Halliday, Co-Founder, LUTW

He stopped by an empty school and asked himself, “Without proper light how can the children see to read and study, and is there a way that I can help them?” An idea popped into his head and the rest as he says is history! Ek Titli got talking with Dr. Dave Irvine-Halliday, a Professor of Electrical Engineering at the University of Calgary, who turned his dream of lighting up homes in rural parts of developing nations into a reality. What’s more? He did it all the ‘Green Way’! In the spring of 1997 while trekking on the Annapurna Circuit …

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The Life of an Organic Tea Bag

India is the largest consumer of black tea; a fact that comes as no surprise to a Bengali like me, having seen the sheer amount of tea my family consumes in a week. Although ‘chai’ – the hot and sweet beverage – has been a part of our everyday life for a long time, it is only recently that its health benefits have become commonly known. Tea is rich in antioxidants and is a natural source of fluoride, which helps in controlling cholesterol, blood pressure and has been shown to inhibit cancer. Most of the tea we consume, however, is …

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Birdmen of India

India is home to over a tenth of the total number of bird species that inhabit our planet. This rich diversity is spread over a wide geographical area and is scattered across a variety of landscapes and habitats. The archival of information on these species, their habits, and migration patterns has taken the collective sweat of a long line of ornithologists to whom we owe a huge debt. This article aims to profile a few of the stalwarts in the study of Indian birds. Allan Octavian Hume is popularly known as the founder of the Indian National Congress, but a …

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Green Gifts for your Valentine

If Valentine’s Day is an important day for you or the one you love; then you can also show a bit of extra love for the environment by carefully considering what you buy. Here’s some ideas: – gift a sapling or plant a tree for your valentine. – Cards made from recycled or tree-free paper. – Consider sending an e-card; Saves on fuel and importantly, paper. – organic chocolate. – Choose organic and/or locally grown flowers. – Make a donation to an environmental organization on behalf of the person. – If you wish to give jewelry, consider pre-owned or purchasing …

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